2021 First Oklahoma FCU Charity Golf Tournament

January 28, 2021

Who wants to FOREget 2020? Asking FORE, a friend. I think we all need a mulligan. Seems like a fitting theme for all 2021golf tournaments. Unfortunately, last year the golf tournament was canceled due to Covid-19. Not for lack of interest, but for the safety of our golfers and staff participating. First Oklahoma FCU is Driving to make 2021 tee-rific and our largest event yet! With golfers not able to attend last year, we can only assume they are itching at the chance to play golf and raise money for the Children’s Hospital at Saint Francis. The event will be held at Forest Ridge Golf Club in Broken Arrow Oklahoma with hopes to raise $20,000 for the hospital. 

  • The tournament will be held Monday, August 16th, 2021.
  • Over 10 other credit unions involved.
  • Slated to be the largest tournament to date.

At the Children's Hospital at Saint Francis in Tulsa, OK, kids come first. Here patients find advanced children's services and physicians and staff specially trained to treat kids - not like tiny adults, but as special patients with their own needs and concerns. Caring for critically ill children at The Children's Hospital is challenging, but it is undoubtedly some of the most rewarding work possible. Children are our future and having the ability to raise funds for this organization hits close to home for First Oklahoma FCU.

Contact Hunter Sawyer for signup and more information via email or phone 918-582-1965.

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